
When your teenage son or daughter is struggling.........

student Nov 12, 2024
Under Pressure Student

If your teenage son or daughter is struggling and you don't know what to do...

…do yourself a favour take 5 minutes and check out up-lifter

 Teenagers very often go through periods of crisis. They become argumentative, withdrawn and often downright bloody-minded. They’re difficult to understand and live with.

But, you need or want to help!

The first major hurdle you have to contend with, is their anger and feeling that nobody understands. People around them simply don’t listen. In fact, people they deal with often spend more time telling them what happened to them or giving crass, shallow opinions about what they should do to sort the situation! Surprise!!!! It's the last thing that they or anyone else in their situation wants to hear - when life is verging on the unbearable!

 So where do you start?

 You’ve got to get them to talk – on their terms.

Next time they ‘blow a gasket’ - don’t react. Don’t lose it or get angry. Withdraw. Let them calm down then suggest you have a chat the next day, for example at 11.00 over coffee (or any time when you’re both free).

Getting that chat is your first major goal.

So, what do you say to get that chat?

“Right, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Let’s sit down and have a chat. How about 11 o’clock tomorrow.”

You’ve arranged your chat. What next?

When someone is under pressure, struggling, they’re in crisis. They’re defensive.

If you offer help and say the wrong thing at the outset you simply lose their trust. They’ll shut you out.

You can’t bungle it. You’ve got to be ready and prepared. Any hesitation or meandering and you’ll lose them.

You need an agenda. One that you trust. One that has been tested with a proven track record.

up-lifter is that ready-made agenda. You don’t need to think about where to start or what to talk about. It’s already there waiting for you get straight to work on removing problems and helping you, and those around you, get what they really want out of life.

You need an agenda. So you don’t need to think about where to start or what to talk about. Ready for you get straight to work on removing problems and helping you, and those around you, get what they really want out of life.





Grab your FREEĀ template and startĀ find your self a quiet place to note down everything that's bugging you.


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